How can we more freely describe the beauty of nature to a little child, or to the little, teachable  child, in all of us?  Maybe you can imagine with me for a moment an ART environment where we have classes for little children, preschool and up, in and out of the Art Studio!   We gather flowers from nature and take them inside to paint or draw them.  All seasons, various subjects. Working from the ‘artist’s hand’ of our Creator. While we share what we can about Jesus’ own creation, and how HE loves us and HE loves the beautiful!

Then imagine, if you will,  in this new, casual Art Department:  We have  a 2 day workshop for adults, Staff, and Weimar students, (whoever has the time and interest).   6 to 8 art students at a time, teaching them How To Paint and Draw, flowers, or animals, or landscapes, with demonstrations, and fun things, whatever we decide on.  And then another workshop teaching landscapes, or how to master shadows on rocks.  In addition, we will have part time hours available in the Studio, for people to work on their creations.  Then also, scheduled art classes for individuals who want one on one training.   We can hold the Workshops once a month or 3 times a year, or however we might like to teach them.

More Photo Works

 This does indeed require much prayer!   And I have been earnestly praying about God’s will in all.  May I present some things in a list here that you folks might like to address.

!.   As I said, you won’t have to pay me a salary.

2.  A budget for Art Supplies and operating costs,  (which would be handled by your finance department).  All I would do is present a list of needs and allow you folks to decide what you can afford to spend for the new Casual Art Department, Workshops, etc.  I would be accountable to your finance department.  But I will say, I expect the yearly budget can very minimal.  Certainly the benefits greatly outweigh  any cost. 

3.  If the Academy can lend a student or two from time to time as assistants,  when I teach, and when I demonstrate an assistant would be most helpful.  and  I would hope they could receive some kind of class hour credit, that would be a great help.  Or if any staff member would be interested in donating some time to helping, especially in the evenings when I wouldn’t be able to be there, and someone may want to work on a project they are doing,  that would be great!  Please note:  An assistant is not required for this Art Program to function. 

 4.  I would plan to open the Art Studio Class room Monday-Thursday, from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.  Except on the Workshop days.  

6.  There is probably more to be said on this.   But If you consider what I have presented here to be enough to take to the board, maybe we can go from there.  It is my goal to be used of God.  And just be a blessing!  If there is more that you need from me, please let me know as soon as you are able,  I am waiting and praying for clear direction for my life, and if you folks decide against this proposal, I need then, to make other plans.

God bless you!  

Cynthia Jackson

p. s.   My friend suggested that this Art Program would be a great benefit to the Depression Recovery Clients as well.


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